There are always a variety of activities farmers are engaged with, one of them is currently the Sustainable farm initiative (SFI).
One of the options, "AB12: Supplementary winter feeding for farmland birds" came to mind whilst on farm last week.
The idea behind AB12 is to provide a food source for farmland birds in late winter and early spring on arable and mixed farms, by supplementing crops of winter bird food with additional seed. This of course involves buying grains and seed of different types and mixing them together.
There are of course, “prohibited activities” where you are not allowed to carry out "any of the following activities."
Use hoppers to supply more than 10% of the total amount of feed provided during the specified feeding period.
Use tailings (small seeds and chaff removed from the harvested crop) as supplementary feed.
Use a mix which contains more than 70% cereals.
Use any one species to supply more than 50% of the non-cereal seed component by weight.
So what happens to all those tailings!