One Shot One Kill
“I thought about everything that had happened. Just a ton of events. One after the other, all of them had led to this point Did I get it? Yeah, this time the end part sure seemed meaningful.”
Twelve months ago I was obliged to recommend a herbicide to control Wild oats in a clients field. Some of the farm fields had Blackgrass and Oats others just a scatter of Oats. The sulphonyl urea herbicides worked 100% killing all the oats but the Clodinafop; well I was not even sure it had been applied. Come harvest the little blighters had popped up across the whole field.
Re-checking the field history it was Winter wheat in 19/20 and again in 12/13. There were a scatter of oats in 19/20, that is, my records show half the field had less than 1 per 10 m2 (old fashioned hand rouging threshold!) at harvest.
Therefore this year when the crop was Fodder beet I had in mind to nail anything that appeared. Sure enough a scatter came up in the beet crop. This time via the use of beet herbicides I almost achieved 100% kill of the Oats across the entire field. The ones that escaped; the result of a splutter in the spray line during application or some other anomaly which just left me with a one small localised area untreated!
My field records now have this field marked down as having a reduced sensitivity to specific herbicide active ingredients. Anything the grows in future years won’t get a second chance to seed again.
“Enhanced metabolic resistance is most common reducing the efficacy of most ACCase and ALS inhibiting herbicides.
Target site resistance, only tends to affect ‘fops’. So ‘dims’ (Cycloxydim) and ‘dens’ (Pinoxaden) as well as mesosulfuron/iodosulfuron and Pyroxsulam mixtures are potentially more effective.”
“It is always worth remembering that the ideal timing for Wild Oat herbicide application may conflict with the best timing for control of other grass weeds such as Black-grass, Rye-grass and Bromes. Mixed populations may, therefore, require strategies involving both early autumn and spring post-emergence treatments.”