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Say Hello!

Writer's picture: PhilipPhilip

Why the sudden interest in beans?

Why not come and find out and at the same time say "Hello"?

Western Arable (your local grain marketing specialists) have their Annual Open Day tomorrow, Saturday June 24th. As part of the range of services on display they have a commercial crop of Winter Sown Field Beans in which I will be standing and talking about the crop.

Discussion will be around a wide range of topics relating to commercial production of field beans whilst taking into account the 3 Revive Agronomy considerations for advice, Profitability, Practicality and Progression.

I will also be able to discuss other current and relevant subject areas outside of my time in the bean crop so why not visit and ask that question?

What to see in the bean demonstration area.

The soil type in the field is clay with restricted drainage.

There are 5 different varieties to compare. Not an insignificant number when you consider there are 21 “winter” types on the NIAB list and that list covers varieties in excess of 10 years old. As I eluded to earlier there has been little “genetic change” in varieties over the decades so how we grow the crop is going to make or break the profitability of your farms commercial crop, not necessarily buying seed of a new variety and hoping this will solve any plateau in farm yield you have achieved.

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